If I sit here long enough under centuries old pale white, will time forget me? Gentle tap on the marble tiled floor, slipping through the even cracks. Heavy sigh and a quick tilt of the head to the side. What morbid breath, and yellow gleams could hold all of me in a cage of what's real? Sweet escapes when gentle darkness sweeps me beneath fantasies grip. What blithe and sensual creatures play their charm against my skin, my skull! Sweet sensual light of gold blinds me. Blotches of colors, shapes and lights are all so inviting, so hypnotic. Spellbound and overwhelmed by curious desire. Childhood emotions revive, floating to the surface, grasping for air, for light. What pleasant surprise! The chime of wind and laughter washes over me in a crystal glass. Slim fingers grasp the cool base, flip it right side down and embrace a private personal globe of euphoria. Dust like glitter swirls around inside and out like sprinkling feather soft snow. Nothing but light and warm exuberant apparitions.
Can I stay here forever?